Monday, July 17, 2017

What codes am I receiving?

        Over the last couple weeks I have done a lot of driving to visit family and friends in Utah and Wyoming.  On the first day of my trip my car kept giving me the code "Transmission Hot".  It was freaking me out a bit since it was just me and the kids.  Well, over the weekend I went to this class and Meg Johnson spoke. (Look her story up and all she does, it's amazing.)  One of the things she said we should ask ourselves when we are going through a trial, struggle, challenge, or anything difficult is "What can  I learn from this ... (whatever it is)?"

        So the other night I was driving my car and asked Heavenly Father what was I suppose to learn from this car problem.  Immediately a thought came to my mind that I'm like the transmission.  The code had come up on my car from driving and pushing my car all day.  I realized that Heavenly Father was right.  I push and push myself and sometimes forget to stop and take care of the problems that are showing up in my life.  As I drove I would pull over when the code would come up, and I would be super worried about it.  Then the code would turn off and I would start driving again.  A ways down the road the code would pop up again.  I'd pull over or slow down until it turned off.  Finally it stopped showing up so frequently and I stopped worrying about it so much.

        It's the same way with our own lives.  We have situations that come up that let us know we are having a problem.  We then focus on the problem for a little bit until it seems like everything is okay. Then it may be the next day or week later and we are triggered again.  I realized with me that most of the time I focus on the problem enough to put the band-aid on and move forward.  I bury the problem because I really don't have the time to fix what is really going on.  So, for two weeks now I've been having this struggle with my car and I keep putting the band-aid on instead of fixing it.

        When a problem comes up in our cars it means something is going wrong.  Our car is trying to get our attention focused on something specific so we can give it the attention it needs and fix it.  How often in our own lives do problems come up and we get upset or frustrated instead of looking at the opportunity we are being given to fix a challenge in our life?  I don't want to run like a hot transmission that is constantly pushed to it's max and seems to never get a relief.  I want to run like a well oiled machine because I take care of the challenges, trials and other difficulties that come up in my life when they happen, not when I finally explode or over heat.

         As we work on looking at the things we can learn and what is triggering those situations that may keep being presented in our lives, lets deal with them and be healed!  Lets run more smoothly and efficiently as we work on becoming!  So, ask yourself, "What is the code I'm receiving?  What can I learn from it?  What can I adjust in my life so my 'transmission' (my body, mind, and soul) runs smoothly?

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