Thursday, March 8, 2018

Miracles are Still Happening

Yesterday I was reminded of an experience I had a few months ago and felt that I needed to share it with more people than I had when it had originally happened.  So, one Sunday morning as I was getting ready for church I felt this almost sudden sickness in my stomach.  As I sat in the bathroom the pain became more and more intense and I recognized what was happening, I must have had an ovarian cyst burst.  If you have ever had one of those burst I think it is way worse than childbirth.  They are excruciating.  The last two I've had I've ended up in the hospital getting fluid because I was so sick and dehydrated.  So, I just sat there praying that the pain would go away and wishing that my husband was home.  My husband was already at church for his morning meetings and I really didn't think I would make it to church without him coming home and giving me a Priesthood Blessing.

If you don't know what a Priesthood Blessing is it's an authority and responsibility given to man in the church I go to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to act in the name of God.  My husband or another worthy Priesthood holder would lay his hands on my head and give me a blessing from God to heal, comfort, and guide me.  They are amazing and I always feel such strength when I receive them.  I sent my husband a message telling him that I think death had swarmed over me and I really needed him to come home and give me a blessing.  I hoped in the shower waiting for his meeting to get done and told the kids to play for a little bit until I felt better. 

I continued to pray in the shower for Eric to hurry and get done and get home.  I wanted to feel better because I had a great lesson planned for my Sunday School Class that day.  I teach the young men and women in our ward, which is based on geographical boundaries, that are 15-18 years old.  I had lots of thoughts and impressions that week that I felt would help them.  As I kept thinking and praying huddled in the fetal position in the shower I had this thought clear as day come to my mind, "Why don't you ask Me to be healed?"  I thought that's true why hadn't I thought of that and so I did.  I said, "Heavenly Father, Would Thou please heal me from this pain I'm in? I would really like to go to church today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."  The pain lessened significantly at the end of my prayer.  Within 5 minutes I could actually stand.  I got out of the shower and within 15 minutes I felt perfectly fine just like I had before any of this had happened that morning.  I kept telling Heavenly Father, "Thank you for the miracle you sent me this morning.  Thank you.  Thank you."  I finished getting ready and went to church.

When I got to church I told Eric Heavenly Father had given me a miracle and healed me.  I kept telling people all day about how amazing our Heavenly Father is.  He loves us so much and wants to help us.  We just need to ask Him for the help and then do what He asks us to do, which brings me back to why I was reminded of this experience.  I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have been pretty sick the last couple weeks.  Yesterday I was praying for Heavenly Father to make me feel better, when I was reminded that He could heal me and I've experienced that before.  So, of course I immediately prayed and asked for Him to heal me from the sickness and the nausea so I could take care of my kids and home.  I felt Him tell me that if I shared this experience of His power to heal us, if we will just ask Him, then He would heal me.  So, I said okay I will share it and I felt pretty good all day yesterday.  Then the night rolled around and I started feeling sick.  I wondered why am I feeling sick and why didn't He heal me like He told me He would.  As I read from my scriptures I came across a scripture that talked about the importance of writing down the things we are taught by God.  I knew in that moment why He hadn't completely healed me.  I hadn't done my part that I told Him I would.  I hadn't shared the experience He had given me to show others that He is real.  He is aware and He wants to help us because He loves us.

So, today this experience is being shared and I am already feeling much better.  I'm learning that when I do what Heavenly Father tells me I should do He does His part and helps us.  Sometimes He doesn't need us to do anything besides ask and other times He needs us to do a little bit more.  When we do though He always comes through.  I love my Heavenly Father and He loves each of us so much.  I know my healing miracle I received didn't come without the love of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice either.  He makes us whole and complete when we turn to Him.  If you need a miracle in your life or some extra help.  Say a prayer.  Seek for Him because HE is always there and willing to lift you!  Hopefully this helps you as much as it has helped me in strengthening my faith in the power of our Heavenly Father and the Savior, Jesus Christ.  Miracles still are happening!